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Emergency Procedures
Quick reference for Emergency Procedures
In case of emergency contact public safety at 856-374-5089
Download the Emergency Preparedness Poster
What do I do if I am told to shelter-in-place due to an Active Shooter/Hostile Event?
- When possible, Run, Hide, Fight response
- If possible, exit the building to a safe area
- Dial 9-1-1 Call Public Safety give descriptive information
If you cannot exit the building:
- Go to the nearest room
- Close door, lock the door if possible
- Turn off lights
- Take cover, stay calm, quiet & out of sight
- Dial 9-1-1 / Put cell phone on vibrate
- Do not leave or unlock door until law enforcement assists you from the building
- Do not confront the shooter, except as a last resort
What do I do if I have to evacuate a building?
- When you hear a fire Alarm you must leave the building
- Take personal belongings with you
- Evacuate by nearest unobstructed exit
- Close doors behind you
- Do not use elevators
- Move to a safe area 300 feet away from building
- Do not re-enter building until authorized by emergency personnel
Persons with disabilities on upper floors:
- Move to stair tower. Call public safety or 9-1-1. Tell them your location and tell them you are a person with a disability needing assistance
What do I do if there is a fire in a building
- Activate the nearest Fire Pull Station – Know your location
- Dial 9-1-1 Call Public Safety
- Tell others as you leave by the nearest exit and assist the handicapped
- Follow building evacuation guidelines
Suspicious Object or Package
- Do not touch or disturb the object or package
- Move to a safe distance, then call public safety
- If possible, keep others away from object
- Prepare to evacuate if necessary
How do I report a crime or suspicious person?
- If you See Something, Say Something
- Call public safety or use any emergency phone
- Do not ignore the behavior or delay the call
- Be a good witness. Tell Call Taker everything you know about the situation and persons
- Do not hang up until told to by Call Taker
- Take only actions necessary for self defense
- If safe, stay where you are until help arrives
What do I do if I observe disruptive or violent behaviour?
- If you See Something, Say Something
- Dial 9-1-1Call Public Safety
- Stay calm. Do not argue.
- Do not physically confront the person
- Do not block the person’s means of exit
- If there is immediate danger, leave the area
What do I do if there is a severe weather emergency?
- If possible, move to lowest level hallways or take cover under desk
- If safe to do so, secure vital equipment & files
- Shut off electronic equipment
- Stay away from windows
- Call public safety to report injuries or damage
- Follow building evacuation guidelines – if necessary
What do I do if I observe a medical emergency?
- Dial 9-1-1Call Public Safety – Tell Call Taker as much as you know about the situation and conditions
- Render First Aid if you are trained
- Remain calm and assure the injured person help is on the way
- Do not attempt to move an injured person unless necessary to prevent further injury
What do I do if I observe a person in emotional crisis?
- Dial 9-1-1 Call Public Safety
- Help keep person calm
- Do not put yourself in danger
- Do not block the person’s exit route (For non-emergencies call the dean of students or Public Safety for advice or direction)
What do I do if there is a sexual assault?
- If you’ve been sexually assaulted or someone reports to you they were: Get to a safe place.
- All sexual assaults are crimes – you should call Public Safety or the police. Seek medical attention whether you make a report or not.
- Before the police arrive, do not shower, drink, eat, or change clothes. If you are there to help, provide reassurance but refrain from touching the victim before emergency personnel arrives.
What do I do if there is a power outage in a building?
- Dial 9-1-1 Call Public Safety
- Turn off computers and other equipment
- Move CAUTIOUSLY to a lighted area and follow exit signage
If people are trapped in an elevator:
- Call Public Safety / Stay Calm
- Do not attempt to exit the elevator through hatches without assistance from emergency services
- Follow building evacuation guidelines – if necessary
What do I do if there is a chemical hazard or gas leak?
- Dial 9-1-1 Call Public Safety
- Do not pull the fire alarm
- Do not touch light switches or electrical equipment
- Limit inhalation of fumes if possible
- Do not touch the a spilled substance
- Move to a clear area (uphill/upwind)
- Keep others away Isolate contaminated persons
If you or someone else contacts a suspicious chemical/substance:
- Eye wash and Shower stations are located in the Bio/Chemistry Labs and other designated areas
- Immediately flush the affected area with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes
- Wash with plenty of soap and water
- Remove contaminated clothing
- Seek medical attention immediately
- Follow building evacuation guidelines – if necessary